Διάρκεια 3 ημερών (για κόστος επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας):
Περιλαμβάνει Εκπαίδευση, Υλικό και PRINCE2® AGILE Practitioner Exam
από την www.peoplecert.org
Την εξέταση PRINCE2® AGILE οι καταρτιζόμενοι μπορούν να τις δώσουν ανά πάσα στιγμή από το σπίτι τους ή το γραφείο τους δια μέσου του Internet (24x7x365)
(ο κωδικός (Voucher) για την εξέταση δίδεται εφόσον έχει εξοφληθεί το τιμολόγιο).
Designed to help professionals tailor management controls when working in an
agile environment, this certification will help you to understand PRINCE2®
governance requirements, agile concepts and techniques and the interface between
There are two levels within the PRINCE2® Agile certification scheme –
Foundation and
Τι είναι η PRINCE2™ AGILE Methodology;
PRINCE2® Agile™ is a solution combining the flexibility and
responsiveness of agile with the clearly defined framework of PRINCE2®.
PRINCE2® Agile framework covers a wide range of agile concepts, including
SCRUM, Kanban and Lean Startup. It provides guidance on tailoring
PRINCE2® in an agile context and includes:
- How to tailor the integrated set of PRINCE2® principles, themes and processes
- How to produce the PRINCE2® management products
- How to map the common agile roles to the PRINCE2® project management team structure
- How to incorporate the fundamental agile behaviours, concepts and techniques into PRINCE2
The strength of PRINCE2® lies in the areas of project direction and
project management whereas agile has a very strong focus on product
delivery. When PRINCE2® and agile are combined, project direction,
project management and project delivery are optimized to create a
complete project management solution.
PRINCE2® Agile is an extension module tailored for forward-thinking
organizations and individuals already benefiting from PRINCE2. It
provides further guidance on how to apply agile methods to the world’s
most recognized project management method. PRINCE2® Agile has been
developed as a single-tier Practitioner qualification. The purpose of
the Practitioner qualification is to demonstrate that you can apply and
tailor PRINCE2® Agile in a scenario situation. The purpose of the
Practitioner qualification is to demonstrate that you can apply and
tailor PRINCE2® Agile in a scenario situation.
Please note that in order to be eligible for the PRINCE2® Agile
certification candidates need to hold a current PRINCE2® Practitioner
status (i.e. to have passed the PRINCE2® Practitioner or PRINCE2®
Practitioner Re-registration exam within the last 5 years).

Σε ποιούς απευθύνεται η PRINCE2® AGILE Practitioner προσέγγιση;
Αυτή η εκπαίδευση απευθύνεται κυρίως σε:
- Project Managers/Leaders
- Senior Management / General managers
- Operations managers / MIS managers / R&D managers
- Team ή task leaders
- Project team members
- Development Managers
- Programmers / Analysts & Systems Analysts
- Supervisors
- Project administrators / Systems development managers
- Όσους έχουν σκοπό να πιστοποιηθούν κατά PRINCE2
- Όσους επιθυμούν να έχουν πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης εκπαίδευσης σε Project Management
- Γενικότερα όσους εμπλέκονται με το Project Management σε όλους τους τομείς του Οικονομικού φάσματος και θέλουν να κατανοήσουν το ρόλο των εμπλεκομένων στα Project Teams (είτε από την πλευρά του πωλητή του Project είτε από την πλευρά του αγοραστή του Project)
- Όσους επιθυμούν να δουν τo Project Management από την πιο γνωστής μεθοδολογίας Project Management παγκοσμίως.
Η διάρκεια του workshop είναι 3 ημέρες (24 ώρες - 3 full days).
(Page numbers refer to PRINCE™ AGILE Manual)

Chapter 1 PRINCE2® Agile introduction 3
Chapter 2 An overview of agile 7
Chapter 3 The rationale for blending PRINCE2® and agile 15
Chapter 4 The PRINCE2® journey when using agile 23
Chapter 5 An overview of PRINCE2® 31
Chapter 6 What to fix and what to flex? 37
Chapter 7 Agile and the PRINCE2® principles 47
Chapter 8 Agile and the PRINCE2® themes 55
Chapter 9 Business Case theme 61
Chapter 10 Organization theme 71
Chapter 11 Quality theme 91
Chapter 12 Plans theme 99
Chapter 13 Risk theme 109
Chapter 14 Change theme 117
Chapter 15 Progress theme 125
Chapter 16 Agile and the PRINCE2® processes 135
Chapter 17 Starting up a Project; Initiating a Project 141
Chapter 18 Directing a Project 153
Chapter 19 Controlling a Stage 159
Chapter 20 Managing Product Delivery 171
Chapter 21 Managing a Stage Boundary 189
Chapter 22 Closing a Project 195
Chapter 23 Summary of tailoring guidance for the PRINCE2® products 203
Chapter 24 The Agilometer 211
Chapter 25 Requirements 219
Chapter 26 Rich communication 233
Chapter 27 Frequent releases 241
Chapter 28 Creating contracts when using agile 247
The course will cover the following learning outcomes:
Understand the basic concepts of common agile ways of working
- Explain the differences between projects and BAU (Business as Usual)
- Describe agile and its common approaches, how and why agile approaches have developed and where they are used.
- Describe the history of agile, its contrast to the waterfall way of working and how the agile manifesto fits in
- Describe the different levels of agile maturity and well-known agile frameworks
- Describe behaviours, concepts and techniques that characterise agile
- Define the PRINCE2® Agile view of 'agile'
- Describe Kanban, the Kanban method and its six general practices, including the use of Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFDs)
- Describe the core concepts of Lean start-up
- Describe the use of workshops
- Describe how to transition to agile
- Define Scrum theory and explain the nature of the Scrum team, Scrum events, Scrum artefacts and Sprints
Understand the purpose and context for combining PRINCE2® and the agile ways of working
- Describe the complementary strengths of PRINCE2® and the agile ways of working
- Define who can benefit from using PRINCE2® Agile and in what contexts/situation
- Define the make-up of PRINCE2® Agile (frameworks, behaviours, concepts, techniques, focus areas)
- Explain the eight 'guidance points'
- Explain how PRINCE2® controls and governance can enable agile to be used in many environments
- Describe what a typical PRINCE2® 'project journey' looks like in an agile context
- Be able to apply and evaluate the focus areas to a project in an agile context
Explain the purpose and use of the Agilometer throughout a project
- Describe the six sliders used on the Agilometer, explain their significance and how to improve them
- Describe in detail requirements terminology, decomposition and prioritization, including MoSCoW and Ordering
- Explain how requirements prioritization is used
- Explain the rich communication focus area, its importance and its key techniques
- Explain how to manage frequent releases and the benefits of 'failing fast'
Be able to fix and flex the six aspects of a project in an agile context
- Describe how to use the 'hexagon' in relation to the six aspects of project performance
- Explain the use of tolerances in terms of what to 'fix' and what to 'flex' in relation to the six aspects of project performance
- Describe in detail each of the five targets that underpin the use of the hexagon
- Explain why the 'fix and flex' approach is good for the customer
Be able to tailor the PRINCE2® principles, themes, processes and management products to a project in an agile context
- Describe in detail the 5 PRINCE2® Agile behaviours (Transparency, Collaboration, Rich Communication, Self-Organization, Exploration)
- Explain that agile needs to be incorporated in all seven PRINCE2® processes and all seven themes but that the amount appropriate to each will vary depending on the project context
- Describe the two common Organization roles of Scrum master and Product owner
- Explain how to adjust roles, including the use of specialist roles, and the options for team organization in a project
- Describe the make-up of a typical delivery team
- Describe servant leadership, its use and importance
- Describe how to define Working Agreements
- Describe quality setting techniques including 'definition of done' and the use of acceptance criteria
- Describe quality testing, quality checking and management techniques
- Describe approaches to planning and typical planning techniques
- Describe approaches to risk and how agile concepts mitigate many typical risks
- Describe how blending PRINCE2® with agile approaches controls, responds to, and minimizes the impact of change, including risk management and configuration management
- Describe how empowered self-organizing teams handle change dynamically within set tolerances
- Describe common feedback loops and their importance
- Describe progress monitoring techniques including use of Work in Progress boards, burn charts, information radiators
- Describe in detail agile techniques that may apply to each PRINCE2® process including Cynefin
- Describe how to flex the 'Direct a Project' stage and the benefits of collaborative working
- Describe how to 'manage by exception' with emphasis on empowerment, quantity of deliverables, rich information flows and value of deliverables
- Explain why PRINCE2® 'stages' may not be required, including use of timeboxes and Scrum of scrums
- Describe typical output mechanisms when 'Controlling a Stage' and 'Managing a Stage Boundary'
- Describe the use of retrospectives and how to make them effective
- Describe approaches to 'Managing Product Delivery' including Scrum and Kanban
- Explain how to define Work Packages, Product Descriptions, quality criteria and tolerances
- Give guidance on behaviours, risks and the frequency of releases
- Explain how to manage Stage Boundaries and the similarities between a stage and a release
- Explain how to assess quantity, quality and benefits of stage deliverables
- Explain how to effectively close a project, including evaluation of the use of agile
- Describe how to tailor PRINCE2® products, including Work Packages, Highlight Reports and Checkpoint Reports
- Describe in detail agile techniques that may apply to each PRINCE2® theme including requirements, defining value and user stories
- Describe guidance on the use of contracts
- Describe PRINCE2® Agile delivery roles
- Explain how to use the Health Check
- Describe the fundamental values and principles of agile
- Outline tips for the PRINCE2® Agile project manager
PRINCE2® Agile Foundation Certificate
The PRINCE2® Agile Foundation certificate is designed to help professionals
deliver agile projects by tailoring PRINCE2® management controls with a broad
toolset of agile delivery techniques and frameworks.
The certification will help you to:
- Understand PRINCE2® governance requirements clearly and comprehensively
- Gain a broad range of knowledge of agile concepts and techniques
including: Scrum, Kanban, Lean Start-up and Cynefin
- Explore the interface between PRINCE2® and agile ways of working.
Target Audience
PRINCE2® Agile is suitable for anyone who delivers projects, large or small,
in an agile context. It is a valuable training and certification scheme for
anyone working within an agile project environment, whether they're a project
manager, project support or part of the wider project team.
PRINCE2® Agile Foundation has no prerequisites. Those without any pre-existing
knowledge of PRINCE2® are eligible to sit the certification as this will be
covered during the training.
There are no prerequisites for taking the PRINCE2® Agile Foundation
Exam Format
- Objective testing
- One-hour multiple-choice paper
- 50 questions with a pass mark of 55%
- Closed book exam.
PRINCE2® Agile® Practitioner Certification
PRINCE2® Agile® Practitioner combines agile concepts with the world’s most
popular approach to project management. Developed in response to user
demand, the PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner certifcation teaches you to blend
structure, governance and control with agile methods, techniques and
Target Audience
This certification is aimed at professionals who work within a project
environment including key staff involved with integrating project management
with product delivery. An understanding of the agile concepts detailed in
PRINCE2® Agile will also be beneficial to those with governance
responsibilities for projects using agile delivery approaches as well as
those involved with programme and project support functions.
You can take the PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner certificate if you hold any of
the following certifications:
- PRINCE2® Foundation (or higher)
- PRINCE2® Agile® Foundation
- Project Management Qualification® (PMQ)*
- Certified Associate in Project Management® (CAPM)*
- IPMA Levels A,B,C and D® (Certified Projects Director).
*'APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ) formerly known as APMP' and
'CAPM' are registered marks of APM and Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI)
respectively. APM and PMI are not affiliated with AXELOS and do not endorse any
AXELOS qualifications.
Examination Format
- Objective testing
- 50 questions each worth one mark
- 30 marks or more required to pass out of 50 questions: 60% pass mark
- Two-and-a-half hours’ (150 minutes) duration, no additional reading time
- Open book exam. Candidates may use the official printed hard copy of the
PRINCE2® Agile® Guidance. The manual may be annotated and tabulated but no
sticky notes and loose leaf papers containing additional notes will be
Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό και γραφική ύλη που θα δοθούν
Το εκπαιδευτικό υλικό που θα λάβει ο κάθε συμμετέχων (υποχρεωτικό) είναι το κάτωθι.

Βιβλίο 330 σελίδων
Το ανώτερο 19 άτομα
Το παρόν course διδάσκεται από τον
Θεοφάνη Γιώτη (Theofanis.Giotis@12pm.eu) MSc, Ph.D. C., PMP, PMI-ACP, CSP, CST που κατέχει δεκάδες επαγγελματικές πιστοποιήσεις και είναι επίσης και
PRINCE2® Trainer και PRINCE2® AGILE Trainer.
Η γλώσσα διδασκαλίας είναι η ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ (όλη η ορολογία είναι στην Αγγλική).
To πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης είναι υπογεγραμμένο από την ITEC-CONSULTING ως PMI R.E.P. και AXELOS ATO και τον εισηγτή και δίδει στον συμμετέχοντα, παγκοσμίου αναγνώρισης, “certificate of attendance” με:
- 24 contact hours για παρακολούθηση εκπαίδευσης σε project Management
- 24 PDU's για την διατήρηση των τίτλων πιστοποίησης του PMI®
Το κόστος των εισηγήσεων επιδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα 045 ΟΑΕΔ/ΛΑΕΚ και περιλαμβάνει:
- Εισηγήσεις
- Καφέ και αναψυκτικά
- Κανονικό φαγητό για το πρωινό τμήμα
- Πρόσβαση στο κινητό και το email του εισηγητή
- Πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης
Αυτή η εκπαίδευση βοηθά στην απόκτηση γνώσεων σχετικά με το