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To PMP Exam Prep Outline
που ισχύει μετά τις 11 Ιαν. 2016 είναι
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UPDATE: The PMP exam update has been postponed till
January 11th, 2016 to allow all examinees adequate time to
prepare for the change. See the full announcement on the
PMI website.
Those aspiring to get their Project Management Professional (PMP)
certification, take note: there will be changes to the PMP examination
which will go into effect this November 2015.
So if you’re studying for the PMP exam with older material (i.e. the
Exam Content Outline dated August 2011), you have until November 1st to
use those materials and take the exam. After that date, the new PMP exam
will be instated and you’ll have to upgrade to the new Exam Content
Outline (dated
June 2015).
Why is the PMP Exam Changing?
The PMP exam is being updated because the role of the project manager
continues to evolve. The exam is meant to reflect current practices.
In fact, certification exams are updated every three to five years to
ensure they stay relevant for project managers. To update exams, a Role
Delineation Study (RDS) is undertaken to examine the role of of the
project manager and distill it down to key competency areas, such as
domains, tasks, knowledge, and skills. The research done in the RDS is
then validated by the larger PM community.
What Was Updated?
Here’s a quick rundown:
- Overall, there are minor changes to terminology and language
within many tasks. While the essence of these tasks remains the
same, the language has been modified to fit current practice in the
- A few tasks were removed from the prior version of the Exam
Content Outline. Because they were dropped, the new PMP exam will
not include related questions.
- The 5 domain areas remain the same, but there are shifts in how
each area is weighted, meaning a corresponding change in the number
of questions pertaining to each domain. For example: Domain 3
“Executing” has increased to 31%; this means there will be more
questions on domain 3 than the previous version of the exam.
- The biggest change is the introduction of eight new
to the Exam Content Outline. See the chart below.
Domain 1 has three new tasks (Task 2, 7 and 8), Domain 2 has one new
task (Task 13), Domain 3 has two new tasks (Task 6 and 7), and
Domain 4 has two new tasks (Task 6 and 7).

Why Were These Changes Made?
1. To Focus More on Business Benefits & Benefits Realization
There is an increased focus on business benefits, strategy, and benefits
realization. This is because project managers are now being brought in
at the earliest stages of projects when benefits analysis is conducted.
Today’s PMs often need ensure that the project focuses on business
benefits rather than just delivering on time.
2. To Ensure Lessons are Learned Throughout the Project
Another topic with added emphasis is lessons learned. Traditionally, PMs
only discuss lessons learned during the initiation phase (lessons
learned from past projects) and then again during the closing phase
(lessons learned on this project). The focus is now on gleaning lessons
learned throughout the entire project lifecycle.
3. To Reflect Who Really Creates the Project Charter
The consensus now is that it’s typically NOT the project manager who is
solely responsible for creating the project charter. Instead, it’s the
sponsor or customer who creates and approves the project charter, while
the PM acts as a contributor to its development and informs team members
and other stakeholders about its contents. Parts of the exam were
changed to reflect this shift.
4. To Underscore the Importance of Stakeholder Relationships
Everyone now agrees that project managers build two-way relationships
with stakeholders, instead of simply sending one-way communications and
updates. The exam changes now place a greater emphasis on managing and
engaging stakeholder relationships to effectively complete a project.
What These Changes Mean Overall for the PMP Exam
Expect to see 25% of the exam content cover new topic areas from
those 8 added tasks. Also, expect a large percentage of the rest of the
exam questions to be new and updated.
Some things are not changing. The eligibility requirements remain the
same: every PMP candidate needs to have 4,500 to 7,500 hours of
experience in leading and managing projects, and should also have a
total of 35 hours of formal project management education.
The overall structure also remains the same. The PMP exam will still
be made up of 200 multiple choice, scenario-based questions.